You are about to create your NEFERLOGNE profile. This will allow NEFERLOGNE to offer you a personalized experience, provide you with products, services and information you request from NEFERLOGNE and communicate with you. All your personal information will be kept, used and linked to your NEFERLOGNE profile. Your profile could include information we obtained directly from you as well as from our retailers and other commercial partners. As we operate globally, we may securely share your personal information with companies of our group and our approved partners located around the world. We will implement safeguards to protect your personal information. We may use any contact information you share with us to contact you.
Privacy laws may grant you certain rights such as the right to access, delete, modify and rectify your data, or to restrict or object to processing, as well as the right to data portability. You can also lodge a complaint with your competent regulator. You can withdraw your consent or delete your profile at any time. For further information regarding our privacy practices and your rights, please contact us at